Another world is possible through social innovation, or what is the same, another reality is possible if we adopt creative solutions to social problems, this is how we understand it from Jovesolides and Red Creactiva. Innovation as a process of collective construction to change our environment with a positive social impact. It is possible, yes, but for that its necessary to comply with certain guidelines.
Today there are many definitions of social innovation, of equally diverse levels, such as the ones that identify as an organization, focused on intervention and systemic transformation. And any of these levels are relevant, but the ones that seek the systemic transformation must be the main challenge, aimed at making positive changes in the fight against social inequality.
Social innovation, therefore must be conceived as an instrument to influence the cause of poverty, to reduce exclusion and social discrimination. And for an action or initiative to respond effectively to this challenge it must comply with certain minimum criteria that ensures a coherent and complete development of the process.
- The essential creativity
social innovation must incorporate creativity techniques. The application of innovative tools will be key to the generation of new ideas that in turn generate new solutions. - Listening to the communities
it is important to consider the opinion of people about the reality to change, contemplating all the actors involved in the processes or problems to be solved. It is necessary to assess the point of view of the affected groups, and know their needs, because it will be easier to be able to serve them correctly, guaranteeing a greater impact, not only on the target audience, but also on their environment. - Economic sustainability
before traditional solutions, the cost/benefit ratio must be prioritized, ensuring sustainability for the community or the administration that develops it. To do this, it is necessary to consider various sources of financing, and always consider possible alternative sources of financing. - Scalability
we can hardly forget the scalability that must accompany an innovative initiative, in order to facilitate its replication in other social environments. In this way any successful experience can be considered as good practice, and be adapted and reproduced in other contexts using knowledge as a tool to enhance the positive social impact sought. - Initiative convertible into public policy
also an innovative process at the social level must always contemplate the possibility of generating impact as to become public policy, being recognized as good practice or experience to be replicated by the same administration. - Collectivity over the individual
and last but not least, in social innovation, collective processes must always be prioritized over individuals. Individual processes more easily generate inequality, while collectives can promote collective benefits and meet urgent social needs.
These are just some keys that any social innovation initiative must fulfill to ensure proper development and real social impact, in addition to generating a predisposition and positive mood in the community.
Yes, focusing on social change means risking and facing an uncertain future. But at the same time, when we seek the solution to social problems in a different way, breaking with models that we know have not worked, and making use of more holistic approaches, we are closer to achieving a better and fairer world for all.