Cultivating the seed of innovation and social value in organizations

Coinciding with the day of creativity and innovation, April 21, we want to share with you some of the interesting aspects of the methodologies, Creative Solution of Social Problems (SCPS), Red Creactiva promotes to support projects of organizations and companies in a different way, with greater prominence of the people, creativity in the processes and focus on products and services geared to solve problems, with the aim of achieving innovative organizations.

We understand how challenging it is often to propose a change within organizations, and for the same reason we propose techniques that allow to evaluate and understand the challenges of social innovation, focused on the citizen, as well as co-create this concept from a concrete and close reality and not from socially accepted conceptions. Each locality, citizen, space and community will observe the same social challenge from different perspectives and therefore, the way to approach it will be different from each of them.

Red Creactiva proposes a variety of actions framed in the SCPS methodology, open to all types of agents (companies, public administration, professionals, NGOs, citizens…) to promote the development of new enterprises and social initiatives. The method, which contributes beyond techniques linked to business design, such as Design Thinking or Lean Startup, allows you to focus on joint work to design solutions that are capable of solving concrete problems, generating social value through a creative process.

The 5 stages of the methodology (Empathize, Explore, Prototype, Test and Socialize), strengthens the process of social innovation from the creative potential that all people have, the leading role, the participation and inclusion of all types of social agents linked to the same Social Challenge, creating enriching experiences, practices, and innovative approaches to improve the quality of life of the people.

From this same participatory and creative process, the game Twist-thinking has emerged, a card game aimed at awakening the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and motivation of the youngest to make a change in the social environment, learning methodologies, tools and shaping ideas with added value, social innovation.

“If you’re looking for different results, don’t always do the same,” Albert Einstein said. This same causes the SCPS method, which once implemented by work teams or neighborhood communities encourages the generation of original ideas, motivates to put passion in everything we do and helps to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us, all to generate in collective an initiative with social value.

The implementation of this methodology with government teams, companies, NGOs and interested citizens, provides us with greater experience and learning and allows interaction with new trends and techniques that allow cultivating the innovative gene in organizations. Which has to do with returning to more natural and above all people-centered processes; designing successful products and services that respond to real needs.

We are already in the coordination of various of these training activities and co-creation of ideas, if you are interested in receiving more information you can subscribe to our newsletter to inform you.

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