The consumption of illegal drugs in Spain is one of the risks that young people suffer the most, which is why the Escuela de Segunda Oportunidad of the Marcelino Champagnat Foundation of the Delegation of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) offers a new educational opportunity to accompany, intervene and train young people to reach social and labor insertion and prevent them from entering the spiral of drug trafficking and consumption.

Generally, the insertion of this type of people has always been very low, so the project creates an important space within the needs of this group and place. The Training and Employment Unit of the City Council of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Caritas Diocesana, Afanas and shelters in the area have joined forces to create an intervention table with the social services.
Escuela de Segunda Oportunidad has assisted with personal accompaniment to more than 66 people, in addition to participating in personal skills training, digital skills training, a la carte training and training in companies, as well as helping in the preparation of the ESO tests. It is estimated that more than 221 young people have been assisted in total.
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Escuela Creactiva is a project of Jovesólides to promote innovation and social entrepreneurship funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation (AVI) and the Second Vice-Presidency and Regional Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing. You can follow all the news through the hashtag #EscuelaCreactiva on social media.