Curbing the curve: union and collective responsibility against coronavirus

In the face of the current health emergency declared by the coronavirus and in a few weeks, many are the solidarity networks that have been created in the cities. All of them especially aimed at attending to the most vulnerable groups in the face of this crisis. One of the fastest initiatives to conform is born under the name ‘Frenar la curva’, the citizen Network of self-help against #COVID19′. The main purpose of this: to make visible initiatives of social innovation and citizen self-help against the virus.

This situation is particularly addressed from the health system, but responsibility and solidarity on the part of the citizens is also essential. For this reason, a group of people, companies, institutions, social organizations and innovation laboratories have created The main objective: to make visible, spread and multiply the impact of so many initiatives that have sprung up and that will sprout in the coming days. In this way it contributes to them being known and replicated in other places, increasing their social impact.

“Viruses are fought with science and knowledge. But all of the above does not mean that we cannot also contribute from civil society, from our social organizations, our companies or our own family, as responsible citizens. The set of challenges is so broad and diverse, the changes are so accelerated and the conditions so unprecedented, that they demand to go all in one.” This is one of the welcome messages when accessing the platform.

In Frenar La curva you can find initiatives to make contributions or give your support, all are linked to the most diverse themes: care, work, culture, activities to do with children…
In the platform these citizen initiatives are updated permanently. In the first 48 hours of operation of the platform, 320 initiatives were registered, coming from 900 users who have registered 42,000 visits.

Slowing down the curve and ending the health emergency depends on all citizens. And this platform is a perfect meeting point for actions so that we can get back to the undervalued routine as soon as possible. Another essential action to slowing down the curve is to keep you informed through official sources such as the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and the mainstream media. Another reference channel to contrast the large amount of information we receive is the website of journalism so you don’t get caught.

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