
Lourdes Mirón is president of Jovesólides and director of the International Forum of Social Innovation. In this short interview he tells us what the Escuela Creactiva is, how it was born and the main objectives of the association when getting involved in this initiative.   What is the Escuela Creactiva? What drives Jovesólides to get involved in this initiative? It...
Another world is possible through social innovation, or what is the same, another reality is possible if we adopt creative solutions to social problems, this is how we understand it from Jovesolides and Red Creactiva. Innovation as a process of collective construction to change our environment with a positive social impact. It is possible, yes,...
Just turn on the TV or read the diary to realize the number of problems that surround us: unemployment, poverty, food shortages, deterioration of the ecosystem and a number of other things. We go to work and the problems continue: low productivity, little collaboration in your group, disorganization, etc. in addition to complaining about the...
Last Saturday, June 3, Jovesólides gave a workshop at the Youth Training Center of Alfafar. The main objective was for the young attendees to discover social entrepreneurship, other ways of thinking, other ways of doing… in short, keys to encourage youth participation and their social commitment to the world in which they live. A lot...
From anywhere in Spain, and around the world, young people come to labscreactiva, not in all cases having a social project in mind, but they do have in common the enthusiasm to learn, and the need to participate in changes that improve their social environment. They believe that another world is possible, and for this...
The METRO Group visited Red Creactiva during these days, as part of a leadership training program (Sustainability and Leadership Program (MSLP), managed by the company Future Firm The group, composed of young professionals from Japan, Germany, Romania and Spain have approached Jovesolides, to learn about the team, the programs and above all the lines of...
Passion, social commitment and networking through innovative processes in the first SOCIAL INNOVATIVE LABORATORY, held in Valencia on the 27, 28 and 29 of March. Jovesólides managed 21 professionals of the public administration, third sector and higher education to resolve jointly the Challenge of “promoting citizen participation in the solution of social problems of a...