
social innovation
The consumption of illegal drugs in Spain is one of the risks that young people suffer the most, which is why the Escuela de Segunda Oportunidad of the Marcelino Champagnat Foundation of the Delegation of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) offers a new educational opportunity to accompany, intervene and train young people to reach social and...
Solar energy is booming. More and more people and organizations are betting on the installation of photovoltaic panels, so this project is committed to job placement in this activity.     The different agents of the territory come together in Solienergia, such as the business network, public services, other entities and citizens, in order to...
Alloa  was created to fight against rural depopulation by diversifying the rural economy in a way that guarantees the subsistence of the villages and puts them on the map for reasons other than tourism or similar, creating village culture through natural cosmetics.     Alloa’s products fuse the native flora and culture of specific places,...
Depopulation as a result of globalization and new ways of life and consumption is one of the great problems of a country like Spain, in which rural areas are emptying while the cities do not adequately support the massive arrival of people due to the lack of opportunities in the villages.     Proyecto Arraigo...
In their efforts to fight against climate change, public authorities are asking companies to contribute by applying new regulations and requirements to achieve decarbonization goals for which these entities must find new ways to track, so Jovesólides has contacted the Spanish company CoCircular to understand what differentiates them from the rest and what are the...
The mission of this non-profit, independent and plural social initiative is to put an end to homelessness through a job placement program for these people.     Hogar Sí has the necessary alliances to help these people in the search for employment that will enable them to decide freely on their life project, integrating them...
The inclusion of people with disabilities and mobility in rural areas are two elements that come together in this project.     The Family Association of la Armuña “La Besana” (Salamanca) and Services and Labor Initiatives create Acompaña2 to provide a job opportunity for people with disabilities in rural areas, making them feel useful and...
The Campanar tragedy, the fire that left hundreds of families homeless, shocking the majority of the country and opening all the news and talk shows at the beginning of this year 2024 in Valencia (Spain) has reminded us of the imperative need for safety, speed and prior knowledge of the place to solve this type...
The Fundación del Español Urgente (FundéuRAE) awarded the title “word of the year” to the expression “artificial intelligence” in 2022. This could also have been the case in 2023 or 2024, years marked by the presence of this new reality that is bursting into our lives and completely changing it. At a time when we are...
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