
V Foro de Innovación Social
Throughout our lives we have only one certainty: we will grow old. Times will change and we will have to face new realities. This is the premise behind Mais Vivida, a Brazilian entity that connects the elderly and the young so that the latter can help the former with the technological challenge and adapt to...
University environments are constantly renewed with projects and ideas that relaunch and help educational progress. In this article we present the Polytechnic University of Valencia, which through IDEAS UPV manages to increase and promote the entrepreneurial culture, as well as raise awareness and energize the community in the creation of innovative and technology-based projects, offering...
If we look at the indicators provided by the world’s major companies, we see that 79% of them are committed to innovation as one of the major strengths and purposes of the year, as revealed in the report “Reaching New Heights in Uncertain Times”, by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In our previous article we...
In many cases, the products we buy from the supermarket have traveled several countries since they have been produced until they reach your table, so actions such as those of ¡La Colmena Que Dice Sí! can be very interesting to change our consumption model and thus achieve a fairer and more sustainable world. Therefore, in...
“From the association we have the firm belief that you can’t love something you don’t know, and you can’t take care of something you don’t love. Thus, our goal is also to make the Manchuela known among the people of the Manchuela itself.”     The feeling of rootedness, the knowledge of our identities and...