Mais Vivida, intergenerationality to meet the technological challenge of our seniors

Throughout our lives we have only one certainty: we will grow old. Times will change and we will have to face new realities. This is the premise behind Mais Vivida, a Brazilian entity that connects the elderly and the young so that the latter can help the former with the technological challenge and adapt to the digital era.


Website || MaisVivida


Both in person and telematically, these “angels” (as they call them) can help the elderly who request it to use technology without fear, with patience, relaxation and affection. The interested person will select what they want to learn, choose one of their economic plans and Mais Vivida will redirect them to the ideal person to help them.

Old age can thus be more joyful and productive, with users being able to schedule their medical appointments or connect with the people they love. This experience also enables the young participants to exercise socioemotional skills and strengthen their communication and collaboration abilities.

This intergenerational exercise will enable older people to resume their forgotten projects, remain active, self-aware and discover exciting worlds thanks to digitalization and intergenerational support.


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Escuela Creactiva is a project of Jovesólides to promote innovation and social entrepreneurship funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation (AVI) and the Second Vice-Presidency and Regional Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing. You can follow all the news through the hashtag #EscuelaCreactiva on social media.


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